Mary Syring
(661) 304-4853
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’4
Weight: 105 lbs
Charades!: Lead Harrison Oswald
Supporting Lead 24hr film festival The Ghosted*: Lead Mary Syring
Web Series
The Saturday Evening Ghost: Lead Mary Syring
Meisner Technique
Empowerhouse Acting Studio
Instructor: Melissa Thompson Esaia
Completed two year Meisner technique program -
Acting 101 -Shelton Studios
Acting for film/television- Academy Of Art University
Dialects/Special skills:
New York/New Jersey, Southern, Irish
General sports/Stunts: Swimming, Jogging, Hiking, Aerobics, Boogie Boarding, Yoga
Unique skills: Pen and ink illustration, Graphite Drawing, Painting ,Writing, Pattern illustration, Candle making
winking, can use chopsticks
*Karl: Winner of the 24hr film festival Empowerhouse Acting Studio
*The Ghosted: Nominee for best comedy/parody at the Los Angeles indie film festival